The LICIA is an Internacional Laboratory and High Performance and Ubiquitous Computing born in 2011 from the common desire of members of Informatics Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and of Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble to enhance and develop their scientific parternship that started by the end of the 1970.

LICIA is an Internacional Associated Lab (“Laboratoire International Associé” in French, “Laboratório Internacional Associado” in Portuguese) of the CNRS, a public french research institution. It has support from several brazilian and french research funding agencies, such as CNRS, INRIA, ANR, European Union (from the french side) and CAPES, CNPq, FAPERGS (from the Brazilian side). By putting together all research projects between INF/UFRGS and LIG, it is possible to maintain interactions in all academic levels: from undergraduation to masters and PhDs; co-advising thesis, double diplomas between UFRGS and INPG or UJF; co-authored technical papers; workshops and conferences organizations among partners. LICIA puts together a scientific community of seven hundred people in total.

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